Friday, February 6, 2009

Blogging add-ons for firefox

Recently I came across these 2 cool add-on's for firefox which helps one blog easily and gives more control over editing a blog.
I am using the one of these add-on's currently to write this blog.

1. ScribeFire

ScribeFire is a add-on which lets you compose/edit your blogs in a separate editor within firefox. Installation and configuration is quiet easy.
Install ScribFire from and restart the firefox.

a. Open Scribe window from firefox from Tools->ScribeFire or press F8.

b. Below is the snapshot of the main Scribe Editor window.

c. To setup you blog account, click on "Add" button under Blogs tag. Enter your blogs URL and click Next.

e. In the next window enter your blooger account username and passowrd and you are ready to go.

Its a full fledged editor. its easy to format text, insert picture, add video into the blog etc.

2. Zemanta - Improve the way you blog & write e-mails

Zemanta is another add-on for Firefox, which helps you add links, photos and hot topics easily into your blog as well as mail !. Zemanta watches for keywords in your text body and presents photos from sites like flickr, info from Wikipedia, headlines from around the world ! It support many blog applications like blogger, wordpress etc and Gmail and Yahoo! Mail are currently supported.

Install zemanta from

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Latest in Open source ?

In recent weeks lot of new things are happening in linux/opensource. Thought of briefing few of them here.

1. Ubuntu 8.10.

Ubuntu released there latest offering of popular linux distro Ubuntu 8.10 code named "intrepid"
I upgraded my Ubuntu install from 8.04 to this new version, I can see lot of minor feature addition/refinements.

Also, good news is that, the super fast next gen Ext4 filesystem is now
available in Ubuntu, currently getting shipped with Ubuntu 9.04 installer
which is still in Alpha.

Ext4 is designed to provide better performance and reliability over Ext3. Many
benchmarks test have shown that, Ubuntu boots up in less than 21 seconds with the new Ext4. That's impressive ! !

Find more details in here

2. KDE 4.2 is now out.

KDE 4.2 is finally GA'd. Released a week back, Jan 27th to be precise.

The new version comes with lot of refinements, new feature addition to existing
4.1. Some of the notable ones are refinements to plasma desktop interface, whole
lot of new plasma applets, new and improved workspace tools, addition of new
features to Kwin and so on.

Take a look at Visual Guide to the new KDE here

I have KDE 4.1 running in my Dell Inspiron and will upgrade it to 4.2 pretty
soon, I tried updating kde4.2 but with no success. I am running KDE on a ubuntu
8.10 ( No Kubuntu) and may be that needs some tweaks before I do upgrade.

Will post the detailed steps once I am done.

3. Intel released Moblin 2 Alpha for Netbooks.

Intel recently announced the release of their opensource OS for netbooks called Moblin.

Moblin is designed to to work on Atom-based Netbooks providing faster boot time. One can install this new OS even on normal PC /laptops.

I have downloaded the latest ISO from the Moblin website, but didnt get a chance to play with it yet ! !

Flower Show at lalbhag

Lalbhag - one of the largest botanical gardens in Asia hosts Flower show twice a year, one during Independence day and other during Republic day.
The show will start one week prior and winds up on the Independence/republic day's.

This time, had been to Republic day flower show to clik some photos. I visited the show on a sunny Sunday morning ( 18th Jan). I never got up so early on a Sunday since ages ( it was 7:30 ) ! I dont even remember when I woke up so early on Sunday last time :), because my usual time is around 10 - 11 AM.

Anyways, reached Labhag at 9 AM finally and When I entered the Glass house ( where the actual flow show is held ), the crowd was ok ok.. people had just started coming in. But what surprised me was the number of people present there with DSLR's ! yeah.. I could see at least 20 to 30 guys ! and all were having latest cameras with 2 or more lens's + tripod etc etc ! ! pheww...!!

I had gone their with my Nikon D50 and Nikkor 50 mm lens and with no tripod.

Below are some pictures taken at Flower show. Sorry, I don't have much knowledge about Flower names and family !

Apart from flowers on display, there were lot of stalls selling all kinds of flowers seeds, roots and other stuffs related to horticulture.

Overall it was a nice experience and I came back with a bunch pf nice photos :)

A brief aboout Lalbhag:

It started as a Royal Pleasure park in the early 18th century and various Hoticulturalists have worked on it to make it one of the largest Botonical Gardens in Asia. Originally plants were imported from Afganistan, Iran, Mauritius to name a few. It was founded by Hyder Ali, father of Tipu Sultan.

Courtesy -